The Effects of the Covid-19 Epidemic on Men

Men, have you been affected mentally, physically, or emotionally by the COVID-10 epidemic? Many men do not realize the cumulative effects of chronic stress, though they can be damaging.

From the Cleveland Clinic: “A new national survey by Cleveland Clinic reveals that the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting both the mental and physical health of men and as a result, some men are negatively impacted while others are making healthier choices. In an online survey among approximately 1,000 U.S. males 18 years or older, Cleveland Clinic found that 77 percent of men report their stress level has increased as a result of COVID-19, 59 percent of men have felt isolated during the pandemic and nearly half (45 percent) of men say their emotional/mental health has worsened during the pandemic.”

Read more here: Cleveland Clinic “Coping with COVID” Survey Illustrates the Mental and Physical Toll the Pandemic is Taking on Men

At Forum Health, our providers arm clients with powerful nutrients, botanicals, lifestyle measures, treatments and more to help combat the negative effects of stress. If you’ve been suffering from chronic stress, our providers can help. Contact us today to schedule a free phone consultation to discuss your health needs and goals.

